There are only three rational options to dealing with our impermanence
A woman, a party, and a movement sacrifice themselves in pursuit of their own end
We can't live in tension forever, but we don't know how to get out of it.
We think cynics are smart. But cynical individuals are worse off than the rest of us. What does that mean for a cynical society?
There's something far better to follow that will take you further and cost a lot less.
Simple self-improvement in 2024, as well as plans for this newsletter!
Plus, a new place for you to read my stuff!
Why you're probably wrong about the First Amendment
A year of numerical and (more importantly) personal growth
Someone, somewhere, someday will need what you're creating
Dave Grohl, American Idol, and why being good at something requires you suck at it first
What the guitar can teach us about ourselves