Half-baked thoughts on politics, culture, creativity, and the point of it all
In which Republican campaigns spread rumors about a law-abiding group of immigrants to win a few more votes in November
As always, we need to remember that we're not in traffic; we are traffic
Why you shouldn't support Trump, even if you oppose Kamala Harris
The State of the Veepstakes
I know, I know, but just hear me out for a second
Shootings, nominations, and double standards plague our country
The traditionalist fashion police are a symptom of a larger issue: generational moral panic
Two recent major news stories show why you should stop listening to partisan pundits
A lion of free speech to many libertarians and leftists, Assange deserves little more than scorn and shame.
What happens to a city on the move when it has nowhere to go?
Go make stuff. Good, bad, or in between, just go make stuff.
What do Boeing, Zoom, climate change activists, and Donald Trump have in common?